There is no better time than now to build a green future. Entera assumed the role of the partner of those who believe in a sustainable life, fueled by renewable energy. Entera is building a world where innovative technologies and natural resources mean smart solutions for a better life. Entera produces and provides certified green energy in a transparent package for any company in Romania that wants a sustainable organization and to contribute to a change for the better in the environment.
We are a team of creatives who are excited about unique ideas and help companies start their business journey. Being part of the evolution process from the very first drafts, we learned a lot about green energy, its benefits, and understood our client’s needs and visions. We helped the Entera team to come up with a suitable brand name, find their voice, express their messages both visually and verbally, and guided the transformation of a great concept into reality.

Throughout their website and branding, Entera encourages society to make a change and join the green energy revolution. Beside a dynamic layout, we integrated online payment and subscription methods for Entera’s clients.
Custom-made icons for services & energy resources.
The symbols are configured from the grid of the Entera logo.

The icons are created using elements from the logo symbol.